Find out how to get the most from your catch with Smoking Salmon and Trout. With over 400 photos and illustrations, this authoritative how-to book provides step-by-step instructions for home processing the fish you catch or buy. Extensive chapters on filleting, smoking, salting, sausaging, marinating and pickling fish show you how to create all the traditional mouth-watering treats you find in supermarkets and delicatessens.
There are easy-to-follow directions for safe home freezing and canning, as well as unusual recipes from around the world - including Jamaica Fritters, Martinique Fishballs and Russian Zapekanka - that have been tested by the author.
There are easy-to-follow directions for safe home freezing and canning, as well as unusual recipes from around the world - including Jamaica Fritters, Martinique Fishballs and Russian Zapekanka - that have been tested by the author.