Fran Dick
Francis Dick ‘Maxwala’ogwa “Potlatching Woman” is Musgamakw Dzawada’enuxw “Four Tribes of Kingcome Inlet” of the Kwakwaka’wakw “Kwak̕wala Speaking People”. She is a descendant of the Supernatural Wolf, Kawadilikala, who was the first of the Kingcome people. The image of this mythical being is prominent in much of Fran Dick’s work. The wolf Kawadilikala is one of four siblings, which came from a wolf named Galalałit. In the origin story of Dick’s family, Galalałit came out of the top end of Kingcome Inlet. From Galalałit came four wolves: Kawadilikala, his brother Kwalili, their sister Hayałilagas and the youngest brother Na’nawalakw. Kawadilikala stayed in Kingcome Inlet and shed his animal form to become first of the Kingcome people of whom Fran Dick’s family is direct descendents. Much of her work contains images of Kawadilikala acknowledging her contemporary ties to her cultural past. Francis says that “Before anything else, my work is about honoring my life process, my journey through my fires, from places of pain and darkness to places that I might stand in my truth; my work is not a career, it is a way of life”.
Fran was born in the fishing village of Alert Bay in 1959. She spent the majority of her childhood there until she moved away to Victoria as a young adult. As a young woman, Fran began a career as a social worker but soon realized that her true work in life was to honor her natural artistic talents. Fran produced carvings in Alert Bay for several years, working with her first cousin Beau Dick, Bruce Alfred and Alfred “Fah” Ambers. This work soon allowed Fran to discover that she also loved writing and performing. In June 1992, she wrote and produced a ceremony performance called ‘Wi’woma’ at the Newcomb Theater in Victoria. It was such a success that it has been twice repeated since its first opening. Although she expresses herself primarily through paintings, prints, and singing, Fran also works with gold, silver and wood. Currently, Fran offers drum-making workshops and is often requested to speak for various community organizations, women’s groups and university classes. In October 1994, Francis was initiated into the highest-ranking society in her nation, the Hamat̕sa. She presently lives in Victoria, B.C. where she is continually working with her creative expressions to fabricate a meaningful way of life.