Anna explores what it means to be Mohawk, her own identity and the identity of others as she learns to follow the Eagle’s path. She learns how her culture has taught many generations to value honesty, wisdom and courage in their day-to-day lives. Anna also learns about two-spirit people when her best friend tells her that she likes other girls. This revelation leaves her full of questions, and with support from her wise and loving mother, she understands the value in accepting everyone for who they are.
A powerful story to share with children of all ages.
"Colour pencil sketches illustrate the story of 10-year-old Anna whose school friend Jill announces she prefers girls when the two talk about boys at their school. Anna is troubled and her parents notice Anna is unusually quiet at home. Her mother gently asks what is troubling Anna. Anna explains her confusion about her Jill’s statement that she likes girls and to Anna that is something she terms as gross. Mother explains proper terminology for female and male identity and introduces the term, two-spirit. Anna may find this new concept difficult but her mother reminds Anna of her eagle necklace and the teachings of courage, honesty and wisdom. The author has added an introductory paragraph about why she wrote this story. She also has included questions as conversation starters and an introduction of two new terms: discrimination and two-spirit for elementary classrooms." - Review from The Teaching Librarian, The Magazine of the Ontario School Library Association
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24 Pages | ISBN: 9781771742566 | Paperback