Learn colours and words with indigenous artists from all over Canada.
- Artwork by Various Artists
- Featuring the work of 20 contributing artists
- Soy based ink and water based protective coating
- Made from paper sourced from sustainable forests
- 18 pages; measures 6.5" x 6.5"
Contributing Artists Beau Dick, Kwakwaka'wakw Ben Houstie, Bella Bella Bruce Morriseau, Ojibway Corey Bulpitt, Haida Darrel Amos, Haida Donald B. Peters, Ojibway, Salteaux Doug Horne, Coast Salish Doug LaFortune, Coast Salish Dwayne Simeon, Kwakwaka'wakw, Squamish Eric Parnell, Haida Erica Joseph, Coast Salish Ernest Swanson, Haida Francis Dick, Kwakwaka'wakw Garnet Tabacco, Cree Jason Adair, Ojibway Mark A. Jacobson, Ojibway Maynard Johnny Jr., Coast Salish, Kwakwaka'wakw Paul Windsor, Haisla, Heiltsuk Terry Starr, Tsimshian Wolf Morriseau, Ojibway