Kwakwaka'wakw Artists

We are very honoured to feature such a large collection of works from various Kwakwaka'wakw artists. Below you can find a comprehensive list of those artists (both alive and passed), as well as more information regarding their creative lives. We will continue to update this listing so please check back or contact us for more information.

AJ Scow John Livingston
Anthany Joseph Johnathan Henderson
Arthur (Potsie) Smith Kelsey Nelson
Arthur Shaugnessy Keri Dick
Aubrey Johnston Kevin Cranmer
Kimberly Kufaas
Aubrey Johnston Jr. K’odi Neslon
Barry Scow Val Lancaser
Beau Dick Larence Scow
Benji Rufus Jr. Lawrence Isaac
Bethany Speck Leonard Scow
Bill Henderson Liz Kufas
Bobby Joseph Lorne Smith
Brian Arnie Wadhams Lou-Ann Neel
Brian Scow Marcus Alfred
Bruce Alfred Mark Henderson
Bryan Hunt Martha Bruce
Calvin Hunt Maxine Matilpi
Carey Newman Maynard Johnny Jr.
Carl Wamiss (Voyageur) Michael Glendale
Cheryl Wadhams
Chris Cook III Morris Johnny
Chris Glendale Ozzie Wadhams
Cole Speck Paddy Seaweed
Corrine Hunt Patrick Hunt
Dan Wallace Peter Dawson
Daniel Peterson
David Knox Peter Smith
Debbie Hunt Ralph Shaughnessy
Dempsey Cook Randel Cook
Dennis Johnson Richard Baker
Diane Bell Richard Glendale
Dion Alfred Richard Hunt
Don Alfred Rick Johnson
Don Svanvik Rod Stadnyk
Donald Lancaster Ross Henderson
Donovan Cook Rupert Scow
Ed (Benji) Rufus Jr. Ryan Cranmer
Eugene Hunt Sam Shaughnessy
Eugene Isaac Sam Willie
Fah Ambers Sandy Johnson
Fran Dick Sean Whonnock
Frank Nelson Shawn Karpes
Gary Peterson Shayne Salmon
George Hunt Jr. Shirley Hunt
Gilbert Dawson Silas Coon Jr.
Godfrey John Bruce Stan Hunt III
Gord Hill Stan Wamiss
Gordon Mellish Stephen Bruce
Greg Henderson Stephen Hunt
Harold Alfred Terrance Isaac
Harry Alfred Thomas Bruce
Hein Schoer Tim Alfred
Henry Hunt Tom Bruce Sr. Pole
Henry Speck Tom D. Hunt
Herbert Cook Tom Whonnock
Herman Bruce Tony Hunt Jr.
Herman Bruce Jr. Tony Hunt Sr.
Ira Etzerza Tracy Cranmer
James Speck Jr. Trevor Hunt
tumtum threads
James Taylor Valerie Lancaster
Jason Baker Valerie Morgan
Jason Hunt Vincent Shaughnessy
Jason Pat Wally Bernard
Jeff McDougall Wayne Alfred
Jerry Smith William (Billy) Cook III
Joe Willie William Wasden Jr.
Joe Wilson Willie Seaweed
John Lancaster Yvonne Wilson